Friday, November 1, 2013

Obama's Legacy Question

Written: 10/30/13

 I started to put this on FB but decided against it. After watching FOX News and listening to Obama and his coven smirk, twist, and lie their way through interviews, I had to vent. Here goes. If you can’t follow my “chess” analogy, don’t worry, it was hard for me too. Please critique.

O’Reilly missed it today. He’s giving Obama the benefit of the doubt as to whether he lied to America when he promised “if you like your insurance plan, you can keep it......” Bill said that Obama has a legacy to think about, and that he would know that if he got caught in a lie it would tarnish it. Therefore, he wouldn’t lie. O’Reilly said his ego won’t allow him to risk the embarrassment of impeachment. Uh, I don’t think so. I think Obama is a pawn in this chess game of power politics. Pawns can reach the other side of the board and become more powerful by replacing themselves with a piece taken by the opponent. Or, he can be sacrificed in order that the other pieces move into more strategic positions to bring victory. Two different outcomes for the pawn but one goal, to put the opponent in checkmate. Either way he’s an important piece (player). In other words, if by lying Obama can buy time and continue the process until it is securely embedded, then being impeached for lying is no biggie.

I believe that there is such a swell of powerful folks determined not to let this opportunity slip through their fingers that they or any of their “players,” including the president, will lie, distort truths, or demonize anyone that gets in the way. Massive control of our lives through healthcare is a prize worth risking all for. Yes, I think our president is capable of just about anything to hold onto this claim to fame. And, even if it could be proven that he lied, I don’t believe conservatives are going to be capable of breaking his hold on power. The press, Hollywood, left organizations, unions, and groups that won’t bite the hand that feeds them have insulated and protected him from the voters and from congress. He is as they say “Teflon" and nothing seems to stick either on him or any of his fellow travelers. He is a pawn that can be played either way which is why I don’t think that Bill’s assessment is correct. His legacy will be intact whether he is impeached or gets to fulfill his presidency. And, he, like any of the others in his circle, would be tickled to be thrown under the bus for this prize—transforming America into a socialist nation. That is the legacy he is interested in and will be remembered for. Presidents come and go and get their pictures hung in the rotunda, but to be THE ONE to achieve socialized medicine, well, ….that’s his and the socialists’ “dream.”

As far as his presidential legacy goes, as long as Obamacare survives, his legacy will be elevated by the left. As America’s position and wealth slip from the top to lesser positions in the world, the left will celebrate having placed freedom and personal sovereignty in “checkmate.” They will joyously announce to the proletariat class, “Now, everyone get in line for your handouts.” Your healthcare will become a handout at the pleasure of politicians and bureaucrats. It will take its place on the list of items to be budgeted for every year, and every year we the people will worry about cuts and new regs—another uncertainty.

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