Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Are you assaulting our form of government?

Government is the responsibility of every legal citizen. It is our responsibility to protect it from all assaults, both domestic and foreign. If you remain uninformed, you are assaulting it. There is no excuse for ignorance. To get informed start with the founding fathers and learn how much they sacrificed to give us this republic. Many gave the ultimate sacrifice—their lives and fortunes. What have you given? What are you willing to give?

For starters, give your country the time it takes to become an informed citizen. Gaining knowledge of our country's history and the struggles of the founding fathers to create this more excellent form of government is vital. Until you understand clearly what separates us from the rest of the world and what makes our system superior, you aren't ready to make your contribution to preserve it. You've got to know what you are preserving and why it is so important. Do your homework; then join a group. If you don't you may join the wrong one.

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