Sunday, January 24, 2010

Caution before Jumping

We've got enough liberal Republicans in Congress that I'm not confident actually got the right message from the Mass. victory. I'm afraid that they will continue to play "nice" with the Dems and get sucked into dragging out the healthcare legislation for "tweaking." It doesn't need to be tweaked; it needs to be trashed. From what I've read from those who have read the entire bill, there would be too many "hooks" hidden to have any confidence in the final version. Until they get serious about tort reform/liability limits, they need to forget moving forward with any other legislation. And, quit talking about 30 to 40 million of uninsured or under-insured. It's been pointed out that the number is considerably less when you remove the illegals, those who choose not to purchase insurance, and those who can afford healthcare without insurance.

Remember, Scott Brown said he voted for healthcare legislation that insures everyone in Mass. He has said that he is for insuring all. What does that mean legislatively? Conservatives need to be careful before jumping on just anyone's bandwagon. Brown may be for real. We don't know yet. Proceed with caution!


  1. You are right Betty. It's easy to get excited when the Dem/Rep line these days is fuzzy. We have to look at the individual and what he stands for and has voted for in the past. I'm glad to have a Rep. in a senate seat but agree to proceed with caution.
