Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Reflections: We Need To Apply Shock Paddles to the Republican Carcass written Oct. 20, 2008 prior to Election

We had life once, you know–after 40 years in the wilderness and with the leadership of some dedicated congressmen and women and the help of bold radio talk show hosts who verbally prodded and poked at a drowsy and preoccupied nation, Republicans were propelled into a "majority" position by an awakened and fired-up electorate–a position that seemed to take Republicans in Washington DC by surprise. They were unable to shake off that minority mantle under which they dutifully accepted all short straws from the Dems in control of everything.

You have to give it to the Dems; after decades of giving the Reps the leftovers from their legislative banquet table, they knew instinctively how not to act as a minority party. They rejected the Republican model of playing nice and rolling over at chairmanship appointment slights; they screamed "foul" and ran to the liberal rags to broadcast their indignation and outrage, and no one pointed out that Dems wrote the play book on that legislative strategy and many others.

Reps, on the other hand, just couldn’t step up to the platter and demand what was rightfully theirs–respect, position, and conservative appointments and legislation. Too bad; we had a chance to make a lasting impact. We could have turned the country away from its march toward a total "nanny state," that’s socialism for the uninformed. We could have pressed for a continued national debate on the virtues of individual responsibility in areas of our lives where the government seems all too willing to insert its bureaucratic tentacles.

Grassroots party faithful looked on in disbelief as the Rep majority party in Washington DC squandered a great opportunity–an opportunity made possible by the hard work and financial sacrifice of the "little" people, the people who helped make the dream a reality. As evidenced by diminished financial support since the 2006 election, the grassroots sent a message to their political machine–"you have disappointed/disgusted us to the point that if we do not see a turn around, you will have to dig deeper into your own pockets to fund another campaign."

Well, venting feels good and accomplishes little. Sitting smugly in the corner during this election year is not an option. There is far too much at stake to invest all our energies in criticism and pity parties. Remember why we got involved in the first place–OUR CHILDREN, OUR GRANDCHILDREN, AND ALL WHO COME AFTER US. That is why we work to lift up the Republican and/or conservative philosophy. We fight to turn our nation back to the values of faith, family, and opportunity that our forefathers envisioned and fought for. We fight to save our way of life from extinction, and we fight for all our citizens no matter their race, gender, or social status.

If WE don’t fight to preserve our nation, then who will? There is an opposing army of liberals busy within our borders whose aim is to tear America apart so that they can put it back together as part of the global community. Remember the old conspiracy term–"one world government." You may have rejected that concept years ago as part of the hysterical right’s lexicon of nutty phrases, but it may be time to reconsider it as a real goal for some.

What will we say to our children when they ask, "Where were you and what were you doing when our Constitution became so twisted and misinterpreted by liberal judges that it became useless as a governing document, when the American flag became dishonored by its own citizens, when opportunities to achieve financial security and success were undermined by heavy taxes and burdensome regulations, when the cry of her people became, ‘But I’m entitled to that’ instead of ‘I’ll work hard for it and maybe get it someday,’ when leaders around the world lost confidence in America's resolve to support freedom at home and abroad and maintain a position of strength militarily and economically in order to insure its sovereignty, when becoming a citizen meant leaving behind old ways and loyalties, learning a new language, and assimilating totally into a new culture, and when its people were admired and emulated?"

Telling them that you got mad and just left it to the lefties won’t help them appreciate your indifference and the mess they inherited. Telling them that there wasn’t enough time in the day to get involved, support a party or candidate, to voice your ideas at a meeting, to carry a sign, to sign a petition, or to write a representative or place a timely call to his/her office won’t help either. But then, by that time, history may have been rewritten enough that our children won’t realize that there was a time when America was a free and independent nation full of people with imagination, initiative, self-reliance, courage, faith, loyalty, patriotism, etc. Maybe when that knowledge is no longer available to them, they won’t even be asking those questions.

But some of us will remember an America that we were proud of, and we will hurt for the generations who will follow and not know what they missed.

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