Monday, July 16, 2012

Greed - Envy: Flip Sides of the Same Coin

The flip side of greed is envy. Wish someone would point that out to those who want a percentage of what other folks have earned. Real greed is at work in our culture, but it isn't necessarily evident in all successful companies or in the lives of the wealthy. Real envy is more at work and is a more destructive force. It pits people against each other. Wish someone would explain to me why taxing folks at the top much more than those at the bottom is "FAIR." Fair is taking two apples from the guy with twelve and two from the guy with seven. Whose business is it how many apples a person has? We have lost the meaning of the word fair. Fair means treating people equally no matter what their station in life. Now you may support soaking the rich to support the rest of us, but, please, don't refer to it as "fair." Call it something else--perhaps socialism.

Pelosi Thinks We're Stupid

The most insulting and demeaning statement that a legislator has, in my memory, ever said about the intelligence of their constituency is, (paraphrasing) "We'll just have to pass it so we can know what's in it." Recognize it? That's a N. Pelosi comment in re to the 2400 pg. Obamacare bill. That comment should have resulted in voters demanding a "recall" vote. Every citizen voter she represents should have been enraged at her assumption of their total ignorance and willingness to be deceived. You should be embarrassed. She really does think you are stupid. Are you? Actually, she thinks the rest of us are stupid, too. But...we didn't vote for her; you did.